Occult Symbols Everywhere: ‘Come to the Dark Side’?
We are surrounded by occult symbols everywhere.
I sometimes wonder if all of humanity isn’t being unknowingly indoctrinated and drafted into a dark occult ritual ceremony. Satanism and the occult permeates all of the entertainment industry. The website Vigilant Citizen has done a remarkable job of documenting that, for anyone who doubts it.
I just logged into my Amazon account, and on the main page, what do I see? Front and center, right under the menu bar is an advertisement for Star Wars t-shirts. One of them is inviting me to “come to the dark side”. I would have just ignored it, except immediately to the left of that shirt was an upside down, five-pointed star — which is an inverted pentagram.

Satanists use the inverted pentagram for the ceremonies and rituals. They will add a circle around it because they believe that it increases the power of the symbol.

There are other examples which I could give, but my intent is not to belabor the point. My only question is, why are these symbols being worked into our every day life? Why are they being shoved in our face, routinely? Is there some spiritual battle going on between good and evil that is impacting the chaos that we are experiencing in our world today? Or am I just overreacting to Amazon having a decorative picture on their website which just, coincidentally, happened to be placed right next to a t-shirt inviting me to “come to the dark side”?