Multinational Mitch strikes again: McConnell looking to protect the big corporations

Multinational Mitch strikes again: McConnell looking to protect the big corporations

From the Wall Street Journal today:

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Republican lawmakers on a private call that he wants to shield companies from liability over pandemic-related suits…”

Mitch McConnell Wants to Shield Companies From Liability in Coronavirus-Related Suits

The right to sue for civil matters is enshrined in the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution. It is a very important right which has been under major attack for years. If a party is injured by another individual, or especially a corporation, it is often the only path that injured party has to be able to seek redress.

Mitch McConnell is supposed to be representing the people in his district. Instead, he is attempting to take away their Constitutional rights, while protecting the huge multinational corporations. Each lawsuit should be examined on its merits. If it is found frivolous, it can be dismissed.

But to provide corporations a “shield” from litigation is such an egregious attack upon the People, that Mitch McConnell ought to be recalled on that basis alone.

Sadly, McConnell is not alone. Protecting big corporations at the expense of the little guy is standard operating procedure for both the GOP and the Democrats. This is why I always say that we do have representative government. The only question is who are they representing?